Chinmaya Mission Community Assembly Hall
Offering a place of maximum happiness, the Chinmaya Mission is open to everyone regardless of background. The design of its new community assembly hall…

Sacred Heart Parish
13 Months
12,000 SF
Initially designed by Irving Gill and dedicated in 1920, Sacred Heart Church is a designated historical site. The site features the church (designed by Gill), a convent built in 1950, and the former Parish Hall.
Preserving Gill’s classical San Diego architecture, the new Parish Center provides ministry spaces and modern business offices for the parish and school. The Center features high ceilings, open spaces, and an abundance of natural light. The Center’s focal point is the modernized flexible-use stage for social, school, and ministry use.
Providing pleasant pathways and shade for outdoor events, the new St. Francis Chapel opens to a new courtyard gathering space surrounded by graceful arches inspired by Gill’s details.
The design carefully retains the historic Ministry Center (convent) exterior and provides open spaces and private offices for activities, including youth activity planning, educational programs, and private pastoral meetings.