Aerospace A6 Lab EPOD
The E-Pod Lab is a new laboratory building to conduct research and development for confidential space and defense department projects. The design of this…

US Army Corps of Engineers
18 Months
213,000 SF
When significant budget cuts were affecting the construction of infrastructure projects, USACE partnered with W.E. O’Neil to undertake this complex and challenging design-build project. It consists of design-build modifications to existing facilities and new design-build buildings for flight testing of the latest, state-of-the-art aircraft, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.
The Joint Strike Fighter project was an important component of the armed forces’ plans to protect our national security. Under this overall umbrella, the Joint Strike Fighter Test Facilities project had to design-build the facilities within the constraints of a tight budget and had to meet high levels of security, access control, and quality.
Joint Strike Fighter Facility